
  • "After an emergency c-section, I was completely unprepared for my body's response. After my first session with Tina my anxiety levels dropped dramatically and I felt like I had a plan to get back to being me. My first session was in person, but since then it's been remote. She's been incredible and not only has the physiotherapy been just as great virtually, but the emotional support has been too. Doing exercises virtually can make for some good fun / giggles too!"

    T Seavers

  • "This was my first time using a physio after my third section so I was nervous as I knew I had alot of scar tissue and that I had a long road to feeling like "me" again. Tina made me feel at ease immediately with her professional attitude and reassuring nature, explaining everything clearly and following our sessions up with in-depth notes for my sleep deprived brain. We set a plan which seemed achievable and aligned with my ultimate goals of being a fit able mum who can run around with her children. I knew that I also wanted to get scar massage to help minimise my scarring and found it hard to find someone qualified in Edinburgh. Tina also had this in her arsenal which made her the perfect fit for me. I've loved these sessions and have really noticed a difference in my scar as well as my core strength. I would highly recommend Tina. She is undoubtedly passionate about women's health and her clients and I continue to use her to keep me ticking over!"

    Georgie R

  • "I reached out to Tina because I was frustrated at not being listened to or properly investigated. I was delighted at how thorough and professional Tina is and left our first session knowing I was in the best hands and questioning why hadn't I done this years ago. I have all the information and tools I need to manage symptoms I have suffered with for years. I would recommend Tina to anyone"

    Elaine, Edinburgh

  • "I contacted Tina, The Womens Physio, for advice in relation to my abdominal muscles which I understood had 'split' in my third pregnancy. As 6 years had passed since then, I was feeling a bit despondent about the potential for improving and restoring muscle tension in the impacted area. Like many women, I was referred for post natal physiotherapy but this simply involved being issued with a sheet of recommended exercises. As a keen runner and regular attendee of the gym, I received mixed messages over the years about the extent to which I should participate in particular exercises during classes. The overwhelming message was that I should avoid most abdominal exercises in order to avoid damaging the muscles further. Tina responded to my enquiry quickly and arranged a home visit. She took a detailed medical history before carrying out an assessment. She was professional, sympathetic, considerate and provided all the necessary equipment for purposes of the assessment. She was able to reassure me that my muscles had not "split" as I had been advised but was able to identify a section of connective tissue in my abdomen that could benefit from increased tension and conditioning. She has prepared a bespoke exercise plan for me which focuses on this area. Importantly, the plan is not burdensome and is easily achievable for me. Overall, I am feeling positive about potential for improving the functionality and tone of my abdominal muscles and, with the benefit of Tina's expertise, confident about building up and undertaking more focused exercise in the future."

    Anna W

womens physio