Welcome to The Womens Physio! We are so excited to help you on your journey to recovery. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions to help you prepare for your appointments:

Where will my appointments take place?
All visits will be carried out within the comfort of your own home, unless otherwise discussed. There are many benefits to this, including the ability for the physiotherapist to assess you in your own surroundings and tailor advice specifically to your recovery. We can consider functional tasks, such as getting in and out of your own bed post-surgery, your seating position on the sofa or the dining table, and the type of equipment you have available to you.

What will happen on my first appointment?
On your first appointment, we'll make sure you feel comfortable by setting up our equipment in a place that works for you. We will discuss your reasosn for seeking physiotherapy and ask you some related questions about your social and medical history and any medications you're taking. Then, we'll conduct an assessment to get a better understanding of your current condition. We'll discuss your diagnosis, set goals, and create a bespoke treatment plan just for you. Remember, this appointment is all about you, and we want to make sure you feel heard and understood.

What will happen on return appointments?
For return appointments, we'll briefly discuss any changes that have happened since your last session and assess how you've been managing with any exercises or treatments prescribed. Then, we'll begin treatment and continue to discuss goals and treatment planning.

When should I schedule an appointment?
This is completely individual and depends on your reasons for wanting physiotherapy. We can visit post-operative patients from a few days post-op to months or years afterwards, and we can visit pregnant patients throughout their pregnancy journey. For those who have given birth, we can visit you once you're home and settled, depending on your needs.

How many appointments will I need?
We would hope to see improvements between 4-6 sessions, but every patient and their body are unique, so some patients may require more or less than this. It's important to follow guidance, advice, and any exercises prescribed in between sessions to get the most out of each session and enhance your success of recovery.

How long is each appointment?
Your initial appoinment will be approximately 60-80 minutes, with all follow up appointments at strictly 60 minutes. This is to ensure we are always on time for each patient that day. Some patients’ initial assessment may take longer to discuss than others. The key thing to remember is we will work together to discuss those concerns that are most important to you and from there an assessment and bespoke treatment plan will be developed.

What do you include in your treatment sessions?
Every individual has to be assessed, and depending on your diagnosis and what is clinically indicated, we may use a variety of treatment options, including some of the following; manual therapy, massage, trigger point release, acupuncture, dynamic cupping, exercise prescription, breathwork, postural assessments, advice and education and use of scar specific oils. On some occasions it may be appropriate to liaise with your GP, or refer you to other healthcare professionals. This will always be discussed with you beforehand.

What do I need to do prior to each appointment?
To prepare for each appointment please ensure there is;
1) A suitable space for the physiotherapy bed to be set up. This should also be a space that is comfortable for you to discuss and receive treatment.
2) Two large towels and a pillow available to use during the session.

What should I wear for my appointment?
Please wear comfortable loose clothing, for example, joggers or shorts, a t-shirt and bra (not sports bra).

We hope this helps answer some of your questions, and we at The Womens Physio look forward to having a positive impact on your journey!